Tuesday, July 8, 2008

not the best way to start

good morning sunshine! or afternoon, it depends on how you look at it really.

ahhhhhhhh! this is the sound resonating in my brain right now. can anyone else hear these silent screams?! i don't know if i've been working too much overtime or maybe consumed one too many alcoholic drinks in my lifetime, but my brain feels like complete & total mush.

i pretty much have an amazing boyfriend, which i'll delve into in a later post, but jesus h. christ! the man is an incredible communicator, myself not so much. surrounded by a family full of people whose only conversation revolves around shit and the weather, my communication skills are not exactly up to par. he & i, we're like a person with 20/20 vision having unachievable expectations of the blind.

we've been having this on-going argument/discussion/him talking at me and me returning with my usual blank stare, for the past few weeks. and 'nothing is getting, or has been, resolved.' now i find that truly hard to believe when the only issue at hand is whether or not i support him & his career path... which i do! but i'm 25 years old, carrying the financial weight for two. two who are not in anyway spoiled, but refuse to live below our, my, standards. we live in hollywood, and so do a million other people who want to do what he does. but it is undeniable that his skill level is just uncomparable to rest. he will make it. i know it takes time. i signed up for this... sort of... i just want to scream out loud "GET OFF MY BACK ALREADY! I FRIGGIN' LOVE YOU!" isn't that enough? that's all i'm saying...

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