Tuesday, November 18, 2008

this must be hell

california is burning bitches! there are fires all over southern california. fortunately, aside from some gnarly air, brett and i are safe. on saturday night while we were driving back to la we saw some 'lights' in the distance. brett asked me, 'is that fire?!' i was like, 'um i don't know. i think it might just be lights...' WRONG! it definitely was fire. which lead me to rant like a crazy person about california. it's not even california that i hate, it's just la. but i was thinking we have a 'fire' season here. fire is not a season! fall, summer, spring... those are seasons. enjoyable times when the weather changes and there is a different mood in the air. fire is something that is really, really scary. i repeat, it is not a season! and while i understand what it means to be contained, i don't understand how they determine the percentage. "this fire is 33% contained." um... is it still burning?! yes! then it is NOT contained! i just don't get it.
i'm pissy today because we're dealing with more nonsense from brett's accident. with the lawyers. regarding hospital bills, shitty car insurance, still the registration bologna.
and now they're f'in with my registration. saying it will be cancelled november 20th if i don't prove my car is insured. i proved that when i registered my car! they first person i talked to said the insurance company had to fax them the proof, which they did. so i called to follow up today and they said now i have to fax the card i carry in my car. omg. why is everything such a hassle?!
i should have known that this would be a frustrating state when i called to inquire about an apartment before we even moved to cali. i call this lady and say, "hi my name is chayna. i'm going to be moving out to california in a few months and just wanted to inquire about a few of your rental properties." her response, "well have you put in your notice?" notice for what lady?! sound the horns i'm moving in! what an idiot. i swear, it's really difficult being the smartest person on the planet and dealing with earthlings. i need to go back to venus.
on a positive spin, i'm very grateful that brett and i are safe. all of the victims affected by the fires and the many brave firefighters are in my thoughts and prayers. i hope soon the fires will be 100% contained, and we can move into earthquake season. is that the order? i'm stumped.

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