Thursday, November 6, 2008


i can't explain the overabundance of emotion i felt tuesday night when president elect barack obama was announced. coming from a small midwestern town, i feel that i have overcome many obstacles to remain so open minded. i voted for barack obama. i am living my all time favorite quote "be the change you wish to see in the world." i am so ready for change. i do not have false hopes of what will happen in the next six months, one year, four years. i understand the state of our country and that WE as a nation have a lot of rebuilding to do. although barack obama may be a young man, have less experience than some had hoped for, he has the intelligence, grace, and perseverance to succeed. he fills my heart with hope. i couldn't help but tear up during his speech on tuesday night, i know i am not alone. even brett's eyes were tear-filled. please remember that barack obama cannot fix our country's situations alone. this is a team effort, and WE are part of that team. and luckily, WE now have a leader we can look up to with respect.
i'd also like to comment that though i am pro-obama & did my part to vote for him, i do not think john mccain is a horrible human being. i have very much respect for him and what he has done for our country. i do think that choosing sarah palin for vice president really hurt him. i also think if he would have ran eight years ago, i would have voted for him.
americans need change. need to hope. need to value our families. need to value our friends. need to remember the basics in life. i'm already in love with barack obama as a person and i can't wait to be in love with him as our president. WE are the future.

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