Friday, May 8, 2009

on a lighter note...

i've gotten terrible at taking my camera with me lately, i guess that means i need to get a new one so i'm excited about it. but... i wanted to share my wonderful weekend & birthday, even without real pictures.

last weekend was beautiful out here in sunny socal. it was even more wonderful because i had the entire weekend off. brett & i discussed going out of town for the weekend but ended up staying here. saturday afternoon we went for a hike in griffith park, up above all the smog. it was so nice, i realized i'm way too out of shape to be alive, but it was still fun! until i saw the signs to 'look out for rattlesnakes and mountain lions.' luckily we didn't run into any of those guys. as we were driving out of the park, brett saw these people trying to coax a 'dog' to come near them, you know those tree huggin' hippies have to save their animals. um yeah, it was a coyote! we turned around to warn them so they wouldn't get attacked. once we got there we found the coyote, thankfully he didn't feel threatened and eventually ran off. yikes!so then we came home and caught park of the celtics game and were supposed to head to laverne to watch the fight that night with my coworkers. until i found out that laverne is an hour & a half away from burbank. so slight change of plans, i decided we should walk to a local irish pub, timmy nolan's. and a walkin' we went, in heels and the bar is a bit further than i'd remembered. i swear four miles round trip.

sunday.... my ass hurt really bad! but i survived it & brett and i went biking/rollerblading. it was just nice to be outside and active. tuesday, my bday/cinco de mayo, we headed over to santa monica. we rented a tandem bike and rode down to venice beach. we saw denise richards taping her reality show. she was standing on the curb of the bike trail with her camera crew, after we passed we decided we should have yelled, 'it's complicated!' and bitch slapped her! haha! after the bike ride we rode the ferris wheel on the pier. it was so romantical. i love my boyfriend times one million infinity. after basking in the sun we headed back to burbank to drink a few margaritas. sadly i was in bed by 9:30 that night! i had to get up really early the next morning for more ekg classes to prepare for the intensive care unit.
i wish i had non-generic pictures to post, i will work on it!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

I hope that you had a fantastical birthday, lovely! :) Can't wait to see you again!