Tuesday, August 28, 2012

16 Weeks going on 17

Oops! Looks like I'm already behind on the weekly posts!  Oh well, I don't feel like that much changes week to week at this point so it's probably going to be quite sporadic. Buckle your seatbelts, this is going to be a crazy ride!

HOW FAR ALONG?:  16 weeks, 6 days

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  I don't step on the scale unless I have a doctors appointment, which means next week I'll know. If I looked at the scale all the time, nothing good would result from it!  I just know my belly is becoming more and more visible and my pants barely button (I wear a bellyband instead of buttoning them at this point! Think it's time to get some maternity pants. Or convince the world that sweatpants are acceptable!!)

STRETCH MARKS?:  I hope never to see these beautiful things ;)

SLEEP?:  This week my sleep pattern has been really regular. I've been up by 7-8 am and sound asleep by 9-11pm. I haven't been tossing or turning, just getting some magical sleep and the occasional weird dream.  I sometimes think day shift would be a good thing but you just miss so much time away from the kiddos it doesn't seem worth it. At least when I'm at work, baby will be sleeping (eventually) and when baby gets big enough to go to school, I can sleep during those hours vs. working 12 hour days and having kids asleep both before I leave for work and when I get home.   

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?:  This week was fabulous! My mom was out here visiting! We got A LOT accomplished! We painted the nursery, put together the crib, hung curtains, went to IKEA (bought & assembled the purchases) and cleaned our our extra storage closet (outside of our apt) and hung bike hooks. Our bikes were being held in the nursery. I'd love it if we could put them in the bike rack our apt complex provides for us, but we had two bikes stolen last summer and I'm just not willing to risk it again!
Besides working my mom like a dog, we spent some quality time together and went to the beach for a day, taught her how to golf and pampered ourselves with a mani/pedi. 

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Taking my mom back to the airport :(

MISS ANYTHING?:  Wine, craft beer and sushi. I have a feeling this answer will never change. 

MOVEMENT?:  Baby is moving, but too small to feel anything yet! Probably within the next few weeks!

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  No real cravings. A lot of times I feel hungry but nothing really sounds good. I went through a rut for a few weeks where I just didn't want to eat anything I cooked, or cook for that matter, so baby got a lot of take out. I just need more recipes! 

LABOR SIGNS?:  No and hopefully not for a very long time. 

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?:  I poke at B a little too much, but all in fun. I don't think I've been any more snippy than pre-pregnancy. 

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  In, along with my belly button ring still.... which I need to take out, yesterday. 


LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Next Thursday (9/6) we have another ultrasound and get to find out the sex of our baby if it cooperates! 

Here is the baby's nursery. The walls are a grey color and yes the curtains are blue. I plan to add all kinds of colors/decorations once we know the sex. 

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