Sunday, February 8, 2015

18 weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?: 18 weeks, it's a little scary to know that if this baby comes as early as Veda, we are past the half way mark! Whoa. 

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  I believe we're up to 6.5 pounds.

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Pretty much always.

SLEEP?: Still no issues, I am remembering how difficult it's going to be to turn from side to side in a few months.  While we were on vacation I was talking to some other moms and we were discussing child labor... Not really ready to go through all that again... yikes, it wasn't even bad for me, it's the 'after' that I'm not looking forward to.  You know, like when it takes 30 minutes just to urinate and it involves a water bottle, medicated pain spray, tucks pads... how did I get to this? 

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: Seeing Veda on Monday morning!!!  She said, 'mommy!' and gave me a little smile.  When I pulled her out, she immediately wanted Gramma to hold her and hug her but that's ok.  

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  My mom had to go back to work, so she left Wednesday morning.  Veda has really been missing her.  Although she was here for 2 full weeks, I only got a few days with her. 

MISS ANYTHING?:  I actually don't this week.  Shocking! 

MOVEMENT?: Yes!! Yay! Little baby kicks.  So much fun :)

FOOD CRAVINGS?: No cravings.  I feel hungry, don't really know what I want, eat a little bit and then feel full. It's way to early for this baby to be crowding my space, so many my stomach shrank a little bit on vacation.  Brett and I are both leery of foods from other countries.  It says beef... but is it squirrel? 

LABOR SIGNS?: No, mon. 

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I am feeling pretty good still :)  Especially after my wonderful pregnancy massage this week! And I was still off work all this week.  Back to the grind on Monday.   



LOOKING FORWARD TO...?  Hopefully getting in to see the perinatologist soon!  Switching health insurance mid-pregnancy is not recommended. 

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