Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the first week of a new year

oh my lord am i still feeling jet lagged! i've been back for almost a week but, as you may have read, i spent NYE at work. and every other day since i've been back but one. ick. i literally spent the entire day of monday in bed. sleeping on and off. the entire day. and now it's tuesday and i feel sick. how can that be possible? i'm definitely rested! 
so today is another day of running errands and paying bills. aren't days off lovely? brett & i have been to the grocery store already, now he's getting his hair cut and then he's off to his first audition of the new year. then to costco and then hopefully a little fun! 
i think this year will be very exciting for brettro & myself. he's got an audition today, another one tomorrow and i just heard him talking to his agent about another one!! last night he killed it at the hollywood improv, too! he's back ladies & gentleman. no more victim of a car wreck, just a superstar waiting to be born!
i hope you all had very happy holidays and have a more exciting life than myself!!! 

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