Saturday, January 17, 2009

making changes in the new year

this week i had my blood drawn at work just because i was curious. i hadn't had my bloodwork done for over a year and i found out i have HIGH cholesterol! what the hell? i'm not even 300 pounds yet! this means i'm so friggin inactive that my arteries are actually filling with plaque. gross. therefore my resolution is to get my ass out of my bed and become more active! my bed isn't even that comfortable, yet i spend 65% of my time in it. pathetic. 
in other news, i'm learning to embrace california. i mean i have to. today was 80ish degrees and sunny, brett & i went on a walk, it was beautiful. back home, it was 20* ("a warmer day" - according to mom) and windy. snow was blowing, people were staying in. so i guess during the winter months, i adore california! & i've been trying to be more positive and nice to people i come into contact with. 
i've decided if we do stay out here, i'm either going to enter the intensive care unit and/or get my masters. i'm not really sure what i want to get my masters in... with nursing you can go a lot of different directions. but either way my hospital will pay for it, so why not? it's all about personal growth and challenging myself. i have to keep pushing myself and brett & i have to continue to push each other. a lot of our friends think we bicker a lot, but it's just how we challenge one another. this way we won't loose our minds when we're old people. it's proven. start sudoko if you don't want to "fight" with your loved ones! :) 
i'm even trying to make new friends. brett is the social half of the two of us and i usually just make friends through him. but monday night he had a comedy show and the waitress was cute & friendly so after the show i started talking to her. i got her number and plan to call her to hang out... and then brett makes fun of me, making it seem like i was hitting on her. he's such a shit. and hindering my growth, i'm gonna punch him in the balls one of these days. 
well it's saturday night and i'm off to clean the apartment. oh joy!

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