Thursday, January 3, 2013

36 weeks // 9 months // 4 weeks to go

HOW FAR ALONG?: 36 weeks

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  I never weighed myself this week and my scale doesn't correlate with the doctor's scale ;)

MATERNITY CLOTHES: I must admit, I've pretty much resorted to sweats and t-shirts at this point.  If I must be in public, I'll throw on my maternity clothes, but it doesn't seem necessary when I'm just hanging out at home. 

SLEEP?: My sleep is still sufficient. I've actually already adjusted to sleeping at night and being awake during the day... oh I have a feeling this will soon change again!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: I think we all know my doctor's appointment on Monday was the best moment this week! Aside from all of that drama, I rang in New Year's with my friend Miranda.  She's also pregnant and her husband is also a comedian.  Both of our husbands were out of town doing gigs, so we went to dinner, watched a movie, had a brownie and got totally wasted on sparkling apple cider :) Shockingly, we both made it to midnight!

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Again, I think we all know, last Friday was a difficult day for us. Veda really had us worried! I'm happy to report that this morning around 4am she was quite active! I guess doctors do know best (sometimes ;)) and rest is what I need. I know I'll appreciate it later when I'm completely exhausted, but as I've said many times over the last few days, I just don't know how to not work. 

MISS ANYTHING?: I've been hungry for sushi again lately and a nice glass of red wine. I don't have to wait much longer for the sushi, so I'm sure I'll survive and I've replaced my red wine with grape juice, which isn't at all the same, but it'll do for now. 

MOVEMENT?: Wish there was more, but I know she's running out of space. 

FOOD CRAVINGS?:   Still nothing that I absolutely need to have... I'm hungry often but never really know what it is I want to eat. Thats weird to me. 

LABOR SIGNS?: Not yet, however, since I did have a few contractions on the monitor on Saturday and now that I know what that is, I can recognize that I've had a few. Nothing consistent or screaming, "Here comes baby!"

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Scared, nervous, excited, anxious, happy, and I think ready! The list of symptoms in WTEWYE is now quite lengthy and I can relate with a few. Nothing really new, just more of the same I've been mentioning for months, mostly constipation. Although last night after I ate I did think I had a small bout of heartburn but I can't complain too much about that... yet!

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: What belly button? Totally flat!

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: Work ring on, I was able to squeeze my actual bands on on NYE, but mostly just my work band. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?  Rekindling my romance with my husband over the next couple of weeks. I'm also REALLY looking forward to my baby shower on Sunday. My co-workers are throwing it for me and I'm pretty excited to socialize with good company! After the shower we're planning to stop at a Babies R Us to get anything else we may still be needing so that's pretty exciting. It's getting really real!

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