Thursday, January 10, 2013

37 weeks // FULL TERM // 3 days old

I thought it might be fun to do one more blog post like this since Miss Veda made her debut a little early. Enjoy!

HOW FAR ALONG?: 37 weeks, officially full term (haha!), Veda is 3 days old

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  I believe the total had been 24.5 pounds, I still have a few to lose ;)

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Of course I'm still rocking them, and lots of sweats.

SLEEP?: Much less now! Setting my alarm clock to get up every 2-3 hours is new, but totally worth it!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: Hmmm, what a hard question. The birth of our first daughter, Veda Belle!! She came a little early, but it's been the best moment in my life, birth story to come later either this week or next. 

First family photo, minutes after birth. 

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Even if I had one, I can't remember it anymore. I'm floating on cloud 9. 

MISS ANYTHING?: I'll go with sleep.

MOVEMENT?: She's moving just fine out here in the real world! I loved every minute of my pregnancy, but it's a lot less worrisome with her out here in my sight!

FOOD CRAVINGS?:   Now I'm just hungry all the time, this breast feeding business is hard work!

LABOR SIGNS?: It took a while for me to figure out I was in labor, but thankfully we did!

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Elated. Overjoyed. So full of love for this little bundle. 

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Hey! It's back in! Woot Woot! That beautiful belly button scar is still there too. Maybe I can use it later in life to convince Veda NOT to get body piercings!


LOOKING FORWARD TO...?  Taking in every single minute of mommyhood! And my mom is coming on Monday which will be an incredible help so I'm looking forward to that as well :)
Daddy's favorite photo so far

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Kambestad said...

She's a doll! Congrats! She's also TEEEEEEEEEEENY! :) XO