Tuesday, January 7, 2014

9 Months

9 Months!

Feeding: We're still going strong in the breastfeeding department and thankfully I've yet to be bitten! I'm so scared of that happening... I've cut down her bottles the Brett feeds her the days that I work to whatever I produced the day before (at work).   This way we're not having to take from our freezer stash.  She AGAIN had a long bout of constipation so we stopped solids for a couple of weeks and have now started again.  We're giving her oatmeal with fruit in the am (and when I say "we," I mean me, and when I say in the am, I mean once so far - LOL!).  

Sleeping:  Veda has been sleeping really well this last month.  Always in bed by 8:30 and usually awake around 5:30 now.  A couple of days she has slept in until 6, which makes my morning routine on work days really unpredictable and a lot of times rushed, but it's all good.  It sometimes seems that she knows when I have to work the next day and she'll wake up at 11PM and stay awake for a good hour because she wants to be swayed, not just laid down.  Those nights also seem to correlate with the nights Brett has gigs and isn't home.  
So she has major poopy blowouts on daddy's shifts and sometimes won't sleep on mommy's shifts, so I think that's ok ;)  

Stats:   We didn't make it anywhere with a scale this month, so I'm not exactly sure of her weight these days.  She's just a little peanut!

Milestones:  We've got a scooter! Veda is starting to navigate around the floor a little bit, if we move her toys she can get to them.  We're pretty sure she could crawl, she just doesn't know it yet.  She sits up very well, but can't get into sitting position from laying down.  She has two bottom teeth.  She looks like she's trying to wave, but it could just be her same instinct to hit everything... it looks the same! She is also starting to have some separation anxiety.  She gets real mad when we leave her in the room alone and is more hesitant to let others hold her.  She warms up pretty quickly, though, and still smiles at anyone who tells her she's pretty!

Likes/Dislikes:  I feel like not a lot has changed, from last month: She likes to play peek-a-boo, listen to kids songs (like "If You're Happy and You Know it"), look in the mirror, splash in the bath, chew on anything and everything, watch football on TV (or anything with a lot of action).  She does like to be held and she loves it when daddy tickles her :)
She has the same dislikes: changing her diaper on an empty stomach and getting her boogies cleaned out of her nose! 
My friend Henry, Daddy & Me
Adventures: I never think we've done anything, until I go through my photos! 
One thing I didn't mention last month, because I didn't think we were allowed yet, but we found out Veda is going to be a BIG cousin!! Woot Woot!! Not sister, cousin!  Brett's little sister and her husband are expecting a March Madness baby!! We could not be happier!
Our finished products: Fireflies. 
My mom came to town for a week and we went on all kinds of adventures.  Brett took Grandma Rhonda & Veda to Malibu one day (I had to work) and to Lake Hollywood to take in the sites and get some close ups with the Hollywood sign.  Then all of us went to Santa Barbara for the day, a Tuesday, which was brilliant because that's also the day of their Farmer's Market! Yummy!! We visited the pier, drank some wine, checked out the local shops and the Farmer's Market, had dinner and then headed back to LA.  Us girls went to the Commerce Outlet Mall another day and Veda scored a bunch of clothes and Grandma got a start on her Christmas shopping.  My mom and I had a night out to an event called, "Paint Nite."  It was hosted by a local bar and grille.  We drank drinks and painted, it was a blast! 
Veda also had her first kiss this month, hahahaha!
Daddy is taking some MAJOR strides in his career, we could not be more proud of him! xo

Looking forward to:  
Fall and cooler temps!

And here is our monthly photo in our 12 month old outfit, it's going to fit one of these days :(  As you can see, she's really starting to enjoy these monthly photo shoots! LOL!

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