Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Eleven Months

I've been told she looks like ME here, YAY! 
Feeding: I'm still breastfeeding Veda, but I'm planning to wean right at one year.  I won't mind if she still nurses morning and night, but the daytime pumping at work has to go!  I'm a little nervous about how she will react to cow's milk because I recently gave her yogurt (with whole milk) and she had a major blow out and serious butt rash.  I can tell it hurt so bad, she was not happy! Hopefully it was a coincidence... I'm planning to let the rash completely resolve and then try the yogurt again.  
She's discovered she likes chicken, still loves her fruit and will now tolerated most veggies.  Thank goodness!  I was getting worried that she would only eat fruit forever!! She still needs her food pretty smoothly pureed because she gags on anything slightly chunky.  I'll keep trying and eventually I'm sure she'll get it.  
I haven't introduced a lot of 'snack' foods to her, just these disolving cracker things that she is less than impressed with :)  
Just drinking my milk!
Not so sure about beets, mom!
What is this?!

Sleeping:  No issues with sleep over here, but I'm noticing that she's fighting her last nap of the day.  That's ok because she still gets two one hour (at least) naps a day + sleeps through the night.  She's dropping her evening nap, which makes her really ready for bed.  
All this playing is hard work!

Stats:  I weighed her at our mommy & me class the other day, and with clothes and diaper she weighed almost 18.5 pounds.  She's slowly growing.    

Milestones:  Veda still scoots, no real crawling.  Still can't figure out how to keep her head and butt in the air simulaneously, haha! She's really not that interested in being super mobile, which I'm pretty ok with.  She'll walk if you hold her hands and she'll stand for long periods of time against furniture, but does not pull herself up.  
She has six teeth now.  The top two have taken a while to descend, but they're almost there.  They look gigantic! 
She's almsot got her clap down and sometimes tries to wave 'hi!'  It sometimes sounds like she's saying hi, but she may just be mimicking us a little bit.  She says dada, but we're not sure if she knows that's Brett.  She laughs every time I say Mama :( Little stinker!
When she's in her exersaucer and we tell her to jump or bounce, she does.  I also tell her, "arms up" when I put her tray on her high chair and she will lift her arms.  She does seem to understand some words and I'm trying to incorporate a little sign language, time to watch our mouths (Daddy!)!

Likes/Dislikes:  She loves scooting around the room and is really attracted to shoes and the wheels on her stroller(s).  Of course, the dirtiest things in our place.  Yuck! She is still putting everything in her mouth.  She's got some toy balls that she really likes and loves to read books! She also still loves bath time and has become a master splasher!
Loves bathtime!
Just reading my books!
She is such a smiley little child!
Oh, and did I mention I love swinging?!
She still doesn't like her diaper changed or her nose messed with.  She whimpers if you even touch it, let alone wipe it or pick it! She also doesn't like her face cleaned after eating.  She whines a little when she's done eating, too, like she wants more, so we've been giving her more and more and more. 
Swinging with Henry

Adventures: We flew back to Kansas for a weekend and stayed with her Grandad.  Brett had shows in his hometown and we hadn't seen Grandad for a while so we all headed back and had a good time.  She got three teeth that weekend so it was an adventure for sure!
We also hosted Thanksgiving for our friends and their little dude.  It was my first time ever making a turkey and I think it turned out pretty good, no one complained anyway!  
Me & Henry on Thanksgiving
We had our first non-family babysitter this month! We all survived.  Veda was well behaved as usual and went to bed with no real issues.  Mommy & Daddy got to do some wine tasting, it was fun!

Me & My Granddad 
Me & my new friend!
Struggles: We may or may not be on the verge of being sick.  Brett had a cold and locked himself in the bedroom for a couple of days.  I noticed Veda had a runny nose (for like an hour) but it was also the same day I gave her the yogurt.  She's been sneezy but doesn't appear to be ill.  I, however, have a had a sore throat for the last few days so I'm really hoping she doesn't get it.  Fingers crossed because we've been so lucky with her being so healthy.  

This picture cracks me up.  My mom made that outfit for me when I was a baby.
Side by side of Veda & Me, her at 10 months, me at 2 months - same outfit.  
Looking forward to:  
LASIK eye surgery this week! Woot woot! We're also heading back to the Midwest for a few days during the holidays.  We're excited to see everyone and we know they all want to see Veda so badly, I am not at all looking forward to the frigid temperatures and snow.  I hope they get some crazy heat wave! Why again do we not celebrate Christmas in Cali? 
Peace out glasses!
Sometimes my daddy dresses me and he forgets we live in Sunny SoCal!

And here is our monthly photo in our 12 month old outfit, it's going to fit soon :(
It's safe to say she is no longer a fan of these photos!

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