Thursday, October 11, 2012

23 weeks!

My belly looks better than my face :)

HOW FAR ALONG?:  23 weeks

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 10 pounds and going strong! 

STRETCH MARKS?: NO! I'm going to take this question out next week, and if I do get stretch marks, you will read about it in the 'worst moments' :P

SLEEP?: I finally have a few days off in a row so I'm TRYING to be a day shift person so that I can hang out with the husband, but it's difficult. It's 10:30 am and I could really use a nap already! Day shift is looking more and more appealing!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: It's coming up, we go to the doctor's office today for an ultrasound :) Love seeing that beautiful girl growing on the big screen!

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Since I have two doctors appointments this week, I had to change my schedule with a coworker which led to me working 4 nights in a row. I'm pretty exhausted! Thankfully it was over the weekend and it was a bit slower than usual, but I'm feeling it. Really looking forward to these days off!

MISS ANYTHING?: A good glass of red wine! Caffeine sounds pretty good too...

MOVEMENT?:  Oh yeah! This morning she was having a dance party and I could not only feel her, but SEE her moving! Brett was still asleep and I'm sure he'll be sad he missed it, it was awesome!

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  No cravings. I'm thirsty for water all the time though. 

LABOR SIGNS?:  No and hopefully not for a very long time. I read on one of the pregnancy websites I regularly look at that Braxton Hicks may be in the near future. 

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Symptoms - I think my feet are starting to swell... already. Eek! I really hope not! And constipation (as if that was never a problem!). I bought a big bottle of Colace, took one and seem to have lost the rest of the bottle... Hopefully Brett didn't accidentally take it! ;) 
Moods - happy, just tired this week!



LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Today's ultrasound, tomorrow's appointment with our OBGYN & next week we're going to the The Book of Mormon! And my days off.... did I mention that?!

Here is daddy trying to hear what little one is doing in there: 

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