Thursday, October 18, 2012

24 weeks

Into the 6th month!

HOW FAR ALONG?:  24 weeks

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: We'll see in November, unless I brave the scale before then!

SLEEP?: No change, I'm a sleeping champ! I tend to bore my husband because of all the sleeping I do!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: Brace yourself, this is long: I had a great week, mostly because I only worked one day ;) Thursday & Friday we got to see baby girl on ultrasound. Thursday was our perinatologist appointment where we learned that she is continuing to grow into a healthy little lady, praise God! Friday was our appointment with our OBGYN, whom we love! He just puts us at such ease! He also told us that she's weighing in at 1.5 pounds!! That's more than I expected, I swear they have my due date off. We also got to meet our friends, Ian & Erin's, new addition, Miss Camden. She is a doll & so tiny! Little Miss Brooklyn was there, too and she wasn't being shy this time, it was fun! I also found out that my favorite pumpkin spice latte can be made decaffeinated! WHAT?! Amazing!! So I've had two this week!

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Just realizing that these precious lives we grow are so, so fragile. 


MOVEMENT?:  She continues to roll around and kick me pretty often. I'm afraid she might come out with huge muscles because some of these kicks hurt!

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Still none. I also don't have any aversions. What I do have is rather annoying. I know I have to eat but I never know what I'm hungry for. It takes way too long for me to decide what to eat and I never want to cook it. I need a chef. 


SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: A little bit of nasal congestion at times, my gums are real sensitive and bleed when I brush my teeth (get to go to the dentist in a couple of weeks - oh joy!), itchy belly. Nothing to annoying... except I recently started getting clumsy, I think I've dropped my phone a dozen times in the last couple of days. 



LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Next weekend we have a wedding to go to! It's nice to get out and be social :)

Here's a snapshot from Brett & I at Pantages Theater last night (we saw the Book of Mormon - Hilarious!)

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