Friday, October 5, 2012

22 Weeks

I never realize how much I'm growing until I see these photos!

HOW FAR ALONG?:  22 weeks

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: I'll find out next week when we have our next ultrasound.

STRETCH MARKS?:  I read this week that it doesn't really matter how much oil/lotion you apply, it's really more to do with genetics... so I'd say I'll be ok! Hopefully!

SLEEP?: Still sleeping just fine. I turn every couple of hours but other than that, its pretty peaceful. I'm having a more difficult time transitioning from nights to days so I've pretty much just been staying on a night shift schedule. That makes it a little difficult to get important things done that can only be done during the day, but oh well, I need sleep!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: Last night we went to a charity event at the Laugh Factory for the YMCA and Brett did an excellent show! Also, I had an appointment with a cardiologist that went very well. They had detected PACs on one of my ultrasounds (premature beats) and my OB wanted to make sure everything was ok with my ticker so I can make it through labor/c-section and I am! I do have a crazy amount of PACs daily though, it was around 750/24 hours! I'd be one of those patients who can't stand their alarms constantly going off if I was to be hospitalized! 
AND, I took care of a patient maybe a week and a half ago and his wife came by to thank me this week. They were still hospitalized, but he had transferred to the floor... anyway, she had knit the baby the cutest little hat and sweater! So sweet!!

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  This HEAT! I'm over it! It was 106*F the day of my doctor's appointment and I parked about 2 blocks away. I was so thankful for the A/C when I got there but I was still so hot. I felt really shaky and thought I might pass out. I think my blood sugar was also low because I hadn't eaten lunch yet. I didn't expect it to take one hour to get see the doc, so he gave me some chocolate to get my sugar back up and my heroic husband came to the rescue to pick me up! Bleh, bring on (California) winter!

MISS ANYTHING?: A good glass of wine. And my Zumba class. I'm sure I could go but I'm not really sure how to not give 100% so baby might not like that. Although, Brett's mom TAUGHT aerobics until her 9th month with him ...

MOVEMENT?:  She's tossing/turning/kicking/punching!

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Still no cravings, which I find really odd. I am already starting to notice that my meals need to be smaller and more frequent because I get so uncomfortable after eating a normal-sized meal.

LABOR SIGNS?:  No and hopefully not for a very long time. 

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Generally happy, I get annoyed easily by stupid people but that has nothing to do with being pregnant ;)

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  In and growing larger by the day! It's looked huge to me ever since I took out the  bellybutton ring!


LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: We have an ultrasound next Thursday!! I'm excited to see how baby girl is growing!! We also have an appointment with our OBGYN and I need to make sure I'm approved to fly in November as we are planning to go home for Thanksgiving!

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