Friday, October 26, 2012

25 Weeks

I'm not feeling at all glamorous today! 
Got my butt kicked at work again last night, I'm not sure
how I'm going to manage third trimester + night shift.

HOW FAR ALONG?:  25 weeks

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 12 pounds as of today, so if I keep on track with the suggested 1 lb/wk for the rest of this pregnancy, I should gain somewhere around 26-27 pounds by delivery. And I'm ok with that.

SLEEP?: Could be my second job!

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?: Not too much exciting happened this week. We went to the Book of Mormon last week, which I mentioned. Then I pretty much worked all but two nights, which meant a lot of sleeping and  very little social life. Although, we did get together with our friends Tyler & Miranda for dinner - they are expecting a little dude a few weeks after us! I'm so excited to see Brett & Tyler with baby Bjorns!

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  No worst moments this week. I did go to Starbucks for a decaf Pumpkin Spice Latte and I'm pretty sure there was caffeine in it because I felt crazy and only drank a fourth of it. :( I already had a bit of a caffeine sensitivity pre-pregnancy so I'm a little nervous to see what happens after she's born. I'm almost scared to drink coffee! I'm sure half-caf will do the trick! 

MISS ANYTHING?: When we went out to dinner the other night, the guys' margaritas smelled pretty tempting! 

MOVEMENT?:  Lots! Last night at work she was going nuts! I really hope she doesn't develop my night shift schedule  I read this week that I may start feeling her hiccup soon, which I think will be interesting. Hopefully during my maternity leave we can get this on track. 

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Nope. I just eat a lot of apples and I do enjoy anything with peanut butter. I still wouldn't call them cravings though, I don't HAVE TO HAVE THEM, NOW!  


SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Pretty much the same as last week. I'm waiting for something huge to happen and for me to be able to blame it on pregnancy but I really have nothing! I definitely won't complain about an 'easy' or uneventful pregnancy though! I feel so blessed! It couldn't happen any other way really, because I have to work, so Thank You God!  I am starting to notice that I get out of breath doing simple tasks, there is a lot of grunting going on around here! Haha! Tonight I was reading WTEWYE aloud to Brett and THAT made me out of breath! 

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  In and starting to become flat. 


LOOKING FORWARD TO...? This weekend we have a wedding to go to, our friends Xavier and Sarah are tying the knot! It should be a fun time - and HOT, we're going to get yet another heat wave this weekend :P 

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