Wowza, really didn't realize how long it had been since I updated you strangers about my amazing life! Let me try to quickly recap, starting with January!
* I started a new diet! I got an iPhone for Christmas and downloaded My Fitness Pal, a free calorie counter/exercise tracker. It has done wonders for me! I lost 12 pounds within the first 2 months (quite an accomplishment for a girl my size with my frame!) I'm so proud of myself!
* Brett got a new agent. He is now signed with Joint Venture Entertainment.
* And then he shoots a promotional video for Toy Story 3, which you can check out on here
* He was also called back for a Nascar commercial but I guess he just wasn't redneck enough :)
* Lucky boy Brett also got to attend the Late Show (Conan's) wrap party. Where the heck was I?!
* Then Mother Nature roared her ugly head and dumped rain on us for a week, there were even tornado warnings. In southern California?! What the???
* Brett performed at the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club @ Universal City Walk for the first time
* We went to lunch & a wine tasting at the San Antonio Winery in LA to celebrate my
coworker's husband's birthday. That same night we went out in downtown LA for another coworkers birthday party. We ended up going to HWood and then did some after partying at yet another coworker's boyfriend's bar. Oh what a day!
* Did I mention we joined LA Fitness? And Keith kicked both mine & Brett's butts. Ouch!
* I left the boy at home and headed up to Paso Robles for a girls weekend/Marcia's birthday party. Marcia, Mandi & myself headed up to the wine country for a fun-filled wine adventure!
We stayed at the Marriott and drank way too much wine! We had a fantastic dinner at McPhee's (my favorite restaurant there!) and took a wine tour on the Grapeline. Highly recommended. No worries of drinking and driving and we met the most awesome people!
* We were soooo tired when we got back to LA but still made it to a coworkers SuperBowl Party, where I was a crabass. Hind sight is 20/20? Sorry Brett, I was an ass.
* Brett set up a comedy show at the Blue Palms Brewhouse, which was a good time, but not a good comedy venue. Still one of our favorite bars though. Thank you Brian for the opportunity!
* Brett did a clean comedy set for Comedy Time and gets a copy of the DVD
* We headed back up to Paso, where Brett did a show for the locals.
* Then Brett quit smoking!!!!!!!!!!! ... For a few days. Dang it!
* Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddd we're talking a lot about marriage:)
* But then March rolled around and we actually broke up for a week. Brett moved out and lived with a friend for a few days. We actually got along amazingly when we weren't living on top of each other. So we decided to make it work.
* We got our taxes done. Boo. I owe $2300... WHAT?! And Brett owes in too? How is that possible?!
* I became a crazy worker-outer girl because I had to be in a wedding at the end of this month, and stand up between two size two girls. Not fair! Thanks again Kaitlyn! So I hiked, nearly
* We helped our friends celebrate their baby's 1st birthday! Happy Birthday Baby D!
* Brett headed to Vegas to his future brother-in-law's Bachelor Party (& it was Brett's Birthday weekend). From what I'm told, nothing too crazy happened.
* The next weekend our dear friends Eric & Kaitlyn Kambestad were married at Rancho Las Lomas - aka the most beautiful wedding venue I've ever seen! We somehow managed to have after hours in our hotel room, with the bride & groom present!
* Brett advanced to the finals of Uncle Clyde's Comedy Contest @ the Ice House in Pasadena.
* Brett also auditioned, and made the top 13 of LA for a new show called "The Greatest Show in the Universe!" Which he would be perfect for, but they are still auditioning the rest of the country.
* I begin working a buttload of overtime trying to getmy taxes paid. GRRR.
* Then my beautiful mother sent me a monetary gift that brought me to tears to help me out. Which I proudly didn't have to use because I worked my butt off, but the money comes in handy next month.
* My car continues the cycle of breaking down every two weeks. It causes me so much stress and costs me lots of money. So not worth it. My great friend Marcia becomes my personal taxi. Thank you Marcia!!!!
*Brett WINS Uncle Clyde's Comedy Contest!!!!! Which includes money, he gets to perform in the main room at the Ice House & he is entered into the Boston Comedy Festival which will take place in November!!!!!!!
* We celebrated our 5 year anniversary with a wonderful dinner at Spark in Beverly Hills. YUM!
* Brett's xbox poops out (tragically), but he replaces his baby with a PS3, Oh Joy! I hope I'm not that replaceable!
* Brett was asked to be in a new movie (not yet picked up), he taped all day for two days. And his part was substantial.
* Brett does a show in Santa Barbara on a Friday, we getpulled over leaving the parking garage. We may or may not have pulled out in front of a cop. Oops! Just a warning, thankfully. Then we run out of gas on the the 101 Freeway, awesome. Brett pushes us to safety (He's superman!). The next night he has a show in San Diego, and I fall in love with that city all over again. During & after the show we got to hang out with two of Brett's friends from high school! It was a blast!
* Brett finally got a portion of his tiny settlement. He went out and bought an old boat of a Cadillac... this was not something we discussed. Um... it was a lemon & now we have to figure out what to do with it!
* It's my birthday!! I spent it at the car dealership because my stupid car broke down again! This is where that gift of money comes in handy, I bought myself a new (to me) car for my bday! A 2007 Honda CR-V, that I'm in love with.
* Then my great friend Marcia packed up her belongings and followed her heart to Alaska. While I'm very sad, I wish her well! But I miss you friend!
* Brett's sister Melissa celebrated her bachelorette party in Miami, but unfortunately I'm too broke to go. Sadness.
* I'm still working 5 nights a week. Ew.
* My mom is coming to visit next month! WooHoo!
*** And that's where I stop for today. I'm tired. I know I still have a month to go. As if anyone is really interested:P