Wednesday, October 8, 2008

oooooooooooooh politics....

first and funniest... the boy just told me i look like sarah palin, and that is why he's been mad at me lately. nice. and i don't.

so i was at work last night during the presidential debate, i maybe unconsiously on purpose schedule myself during the debates. i know i need to be informed and this is an extremely important election... you know, compared to all the other elections that clearly meant nothing. duh. but i've been watching anderson cooper (oh yum) discussing what happened last night. i will apologize in advance because two things i should never discuss are politics & religion. but if you think for half a second that anything will improve, or even change slightly, if mccain gets elected, you might be an idiot. that's all i'm going to say.

well, that and who gives a rats ass what obama's middle name is? seriously? a middle name? just f'in pretend his name is barack richard obama. for the next month or so, it's going to be more racial than it already has been. because mccain called barack 'that one.' oh lordy. uh uh, oh no you didn't mccain!

i'm over it. completely and entirely. i'm tired of seeing gas prices soar and hardly being able to afford groceries for two mouths. thankfully i don't have children yet.

oh yeah, and aig got bailed out, again. and then the executives of aig spent more than $400,000 on a fancy shmancy get away for manis/pedis/massages. dumb asses. can we please go back to a cash society? you don't have the money, you can't have that! and then can we go back to the caveman days and practice survival of the fittest? grrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

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