Thursday, June 4, 2015

35 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?: 35 Weeks - for sure I was put on bedrest with Veda at this point.  And then she came the next week. The doctor keeps talking about July.  Dude, I am more than happy to have this baby in my arms in 2 weeks.  He's already measuring 2 weeks early, approximately 5lbs 9 oz.  I really hope I don't hold him in until 40 weeks.  Luckily, I'm not super uncomfortable.  I was told he was head down, but unless he has extra limbs, I sort of think he's still side lying - or maybe he goes back and forth.  

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?:  oh my gosh.... Let's just say, not working is not doing a body good.  I'm no longer walking 5 miles, 3 x week.  So it's piling on.  I've gained 27.5 pounds.  EEK!! I think I gained 25 total with Veda. 

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Lots of sweats, I'm able to fit them under my bump.    

SLEEP?: This entire pregnancy I've been so exhausted and not been able to stay up past 10:30PM.  Suddenly I'm finding myself awake still at midnight.  Still getting up when Veda gets up, between 7-8, and still taking naps most days when she naps for 2ish hours.  I think I'm turning every hour and a half, which is no longer easy.  I am really wishing I had one of those gigantic maternity pillows, but at this point it seems pretty pointless since I'm hoping I only have a couple weeks left. 

BEST MOMENT/S THIS WEEK?:  We didn't do a whole lot of exciting stuff this week.  Going to Disneyland last week wiped me out!  According to my phone we walked >14,000 steps and that's just when I had my phone on me.  Whew!  I hardly moved from the couch the next two days.  We did get to see our OB, but our appointments are so brief I sometimes feel like they're pointless.  


MISS ANYTHING?:   Bending over.  Being able to easily get out of a laying down position.  

MOVEMENT?:  He's been a crazy boy still, but Sunday I hardly felt him at all.  I actually almost went to the ER that night because I was worried, but then he moved some.  Monday was the same thing, very quiet in the belly, I drank coffee and had some candy and still not much movement.  Then as I was getting ready to call the doctor's office, he got the hiccups.    

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Still loving my sweets and this week I've been wanting one of those pretzels with cheese from the mall.  :) I actually feel like I want to make a bunch of cookies - and eat them (lets be real). 

LABOR SIGNS?: Not yet.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?:  Frequent urination, constipation, braxton hicks contractions.  I think my mood is AOK, but ask my husband ;)

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  I'm going to go with out. 

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On, which surprises me.  They aren't even tight.  

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?  I'm planning to do some self pampering in the next week, mani/pedi, massage, etc.  And we need to put the infant carseat in the car.  Then we should be good to go.  His crib has been made for awhile now, clothes are washed, bag is packed, call list is made... we're getting closer!  We got some real cute newborn sized clothes at our shower and I'm hoping he'll get to wear them.  I'm starting to fear having a gigantic baby.  

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